Individual RDM-Consultations
The entire C³RDM team is at your disposal for any kind of RDM consultation request! Such consultations can take place either by telephone, via video conference (Zoom) or, if preferred, in person.
RDM in funding proposals
As cross-cutting topic in third-party funding proposals RDM has gradually gained importance. Funding organisations expect researchers to describe their handling of research data in more detail. From the initial project idea to the review process, the C³RDM team therefore offers you comprehensive advice and support in accordance with the RDM requirements of various funding lines. This is always done in close coordination with the general third-party-funding support provided by the responsible project managers in the departments of Division 7 Research Management.
We analyse the formal requirements for you and summarise important aspects as well as helpful documents or further information, e.g. in the form of concise handouts:
- C³RDM Handout for DFG-Proposals, Version 1.1, 14.05.2024 (Download pdf)
- C³RDM Handout for EU-Proposals, Version 1.1, 14.05.2024 (Download pdf)
If a data management plan is already required in the application phase, we will be happy to recommend suitable templates, explain the respective required contents if necessary, offer assistance with the formulation and, if necessary, establish contacts with other service providers (e.g. domain-specific repositories).
During the review process (on-site or online) of large scale research projects C³RDM presents the central UoC service offers regarding RDM - irrespective of possible project participation by the C³RDM partner institutions.
Strategic RDM support
Your institute, working group or collaborative project urgently needs a strategy for the sustainable handling of research data? Together we analyse your RDM needs and workflows so that we can then make recommendations for the development of common conventions and data policies.
We also offer initial guidance on the legal aspects of research data management, but not binding legal advice.
Technical consultation
Do you have the right storage solution and a good backup strategy in place for your research data? Are you struggling with the implementation of technical and organisational measures in line with the GDPR? Are you looking for a suitable tool to implement your project? Or are you looking for appropriate solutions for what will happen to your data after project completion?
With the joint technical expertise of the ITCC and the USB, we can advise you on suitable solutions from the UzK and, if necessary, other open source tools or, if required, establish contact with third-party providers.
Please send an e-mail to the central contact address, we will get back to you as soon as possible: fdm-support(at)