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How to write a data management plan (DMP)?

Format: three-hour workshop, advanced course

Methods: Online seminar (Zoom) with knowledge transfer

Registration and dates: via AMC, see sidebar for links and dates

Sustainable research data management (RDM) in terms of the "FAIR principles" has been firmly anchored in the Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice (GWP) of the DFG as well as in subject-specific recommendations. Since then, terms such as "data management plan (DMP)", "reuse potential" and "publication in trusted repositories" have become common key phrases in the formal requirements of national and international funding schemes.

For the successful acquisition of third-party funding as well as for keeping track of your digital data throughout the entire research process, we will familiarize you step by step with the above-mentioned requirements in this workshop. We will also introduce you to suitable templates, tools and services.

Workshop aim
During the workshop, you will learn about the benefits and components of data management plans. The goal is for you to identify your individual need for action and learn how to actively plan and document RDM in current and future research projects. The program will completed with an overview of the support services offered by C³RDM, especially with regard to advice on devising grant proposals and DMPs.

Target group
All researchers at the University of Cologne. However, the three-hour format is primarily aimed at PostDocs and PIs.

Basic knowledge of RDM is required. It can be acquired, for example, by attending our introductory workshop RDM – a practice-oriented introduction or via our e-learning.

Seminar contents
In the workshop we will cover the following topics:

  • What is a DMP and what is it useful for?
  • What are different roles in RDM?
  • How do I calculate RDM costs and what is eligible for funding?
  • How do the requirements of specific funding programs differ?
  • Where can I find appropriate templates and guidance?

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